Hi, I’m Whitney! I’m an actor, writer and your guide to becoming famous.

Like you, I grew up with big dreams of fame, fortune and impact. Or at least making a living wage with my art.

I graduated college with my BFA in musical theatre in hand and moved to the big, bad New York City, ready to conquer the world.

And then that world came crashing down on me.

Within just 6 months of moving to NYC, not only had I made absolutely no traction in my career, but I was running out of money (fast!) And then my dad (and biggest cheerleader) was diagnosed with late-stage leukemia.

I moved home briefly to care for him in his final days, but he passed shortly after.

Broken hearted, I moved back to NYC. I could barely get myself to my minimum-wage job, let alone “follow my dreams.” My mental health was deteriorating and I completely lost my singing voice. My instrument. The one I had invested years and thousands of dollars into. Gone.

I thought about giving up. But I knew there was nothing else I could do: quitting on my passions was going to crush my soul.

I felt completely trapped. 

And then I found life coaching.

By no small miracle, one of my favorite podcasters brought on a life coach, Brooke Castillo, the founder of The Life Coach School.

She talked about emotional health, creating a life intentionally, and hacking your brain & nervous system to create bigger results. And I was hooked.

I was completely broke (minimum wage, remember?) But I knew I had to join her group coaching program. I knew this was exactly what I needed and was determined to find a way to make it work.

So I joined her program and was a student of the work for 2 years.

And it changed everything. I learned how to ease my anxiety, feel better, and actually create results.

I started making more money, creating opportunities for myself and actually enjoying my life.

It felt like I had learned the secret to the universe.

Even my friends and family noticed how much I had changed. I’d gone from being an anxious wreck to feeling amazing, present and calm.

I wanted to shout these tools from the rooftops. I became so passionate about life coaching that in a full circle moment, I received my own life coaching certification from The Life Coach School.

Now I’ve coached over 150 actors, writers, visual artists, filmmakers, musicians and more.

And I continue to use these tools in my own life, even today.

Here’s why…

They fucking work.

By applying these coaching tools, I have:

  • Directed and produced my own feature film

  • Signed incredible representation

  • Joined the actors unions

  • Gone from accidentally getting cast in a high-school student film to playing a recurring role on HBO

  • Signed a development deal

  • Written on a major studio movie

  • Been featured in Funny or Die, Authority Mag,

  • Traveled with my own award-winning work to Cannes, Denver, Bentonville, and more

  • Worked with brands I love

  • Gone from earning minimum wage to running a six-figure business

  • Improved my health, relationships, and more.

And now my mission is to teach these tools to every artist, creative and influencer.

Because artists are the best people in the whole freaking world. You’re more empathetic, kind, and compassionate than most people.

And when artists have more time, money and impact, they use it to help others. To fight against both systemic and individual oppression. To tell powerful stories. To be more inclusive. To care for others.

And yet, most artists are so caught in their “struggle,” that they aren’t able to use their gifts to their full potential. Their emotional tank is so low that they have nothing left to give.

Tending to your emotional health isn’t just for you. It literally heals the world.

So yea. I’m pretty freaking passionate about it.

And I can’t wait to share it with you.

As both the coach and the student, I’ve mastered the exact tools that you will need to make these transformations for yourself.

Through my signature courses and coaching program, The Self-Made Celebrity, you can learn the exact tools to stop your “struggle” and go out and change the world.